Generation X, the Information Age, Y2K, and other terms have been coined to describe the continuing evolution of society as we define it. Still to be determined is the phrase that best describes who we are, and which will stick.

Information abounds, and the millenium, with all of the glitz , glitter and imminent computer societal disaster that accompanies it, somewhat define what the future brings. With the internet, the World Wide Web, cable TV, talk radio, newspapers, wire services, and national news, we are inundated with more information than we were ever intended to be able to process.

Breaking it down to the lowest common denominator, one thing is clear. We have become a society where character, ethics and moral decency have become traits that have no merit within our system of values.

As evidenced in the national polls, we expect the President of the United States to lie like a rug. We give overwhelming approval for his adulterous affairs, and have determined that his vows of marriage have no significance whatsoever.

We are told that Monica Lewinsky is some crazy, deranged, infatuated vixen. At the same time, we accept the fact that she was given security clearance by the White House, and further, pushed up the ladder to even more prestigious career movement effectuated by Bill Clinton’s good buddy Vernon Jordan.

It seems that Monica had talents that were desirable for high level security positions as established by the Clinton administration, albeit, some of those positions begin on one’s knees. Certainly, she would make a wonderful ambassador on the international scene. At least Vernon Jordan believed so. A personal dry cleaner would be an essential position in any foreign embassy that she would command.

And what a cast of characters we could assemble for such an important foreign embassy. We could have Craig “I’ll ransack the FBI files for the White House” Livingstone as head of security. Webster “jailbird” Hubbell could be legal counsel. Harry “Hollywood” Thomason could be their travel agent. John Huang, Charlie “money” Trie, and James Riady could take care of financial matters. Al Gore could also assist as a fundraiser soliciting contributions from all of the Buddhist temples. Hillary Clinton could act as their stock broker, and turn one dollar investments into hundred thousand dollar windfalls. And we could have Bill and Hillary’s business partner and friend, Susan McDougal, and former Arkansas Governor Jim Guy Tucker take the falls for any felony convictions and go off to serve time in prison. I suggest we send them all to the orient, and have Jennifer Flowers and Paula Jones join them as Geisha Girls.

The President of the United States, an affirmed adulterer, liar, and draft dodger, gets a resounding consensus of approval rating from the citizenry of the United States. And even sadder is the fact that if he gets impeached for all of his pathetic shenanigans, his approval rating will only continue to skyrocket. Poor Bill Clinton will then become a martyr, a victim of the Meanspirited Conservative Right Wing Conspiracy. Yes, this will be the Clinton legacy, The Era of Moral Reprehensibility. It is a legacy that has been well earned.

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