Opinions, I have many. Following are some of my viewpoints, with a short description.  If you would like to see the entire article, simply click on the link, and it will take you to the entire article.


Presidential Election Fraud (December 11, 2000) - My take on the election, and how the Dummycrats have no business voting.

Tax Reassessment in Delaware County - Again, the senior citizens are bitching that they don't want to pay school taxes.   Well, guess what?  I don't like paying Social Security taxes.

Gore and the Chinese Connection -   (Posted March 2000)  Buddhist Monks, Chinese spies, and agents of Satan.   All good friends of the Vice Perp-A-Traitor, albore.

Jail to the Chief - A postage stamp that says it all

Clinton picture with a cute blonde

I was lucky to get close enough to take this picture, and I was able to hear what Bubba was whispering in her ear.  No, it wasn't sweet nothings.

Cocaine, Bush, and Clinton

Ok, so who has been doing the tootskies?  Well, if you really want to know, I provide the irrefutable evidence.  Really, I swear.

I Love New York

Queen Hillary is about to become President of the United States.   First, she will have to serve time - as State Senator from New York or in prison, or maybe both.    Read all about it.

ChinaGate    (May 26, 1999)

Ok, our president is a liar, a perjurer, adulterer, and rapist.   What's the big deal? 
Well, now he is a traitor.  So, where is the outrage?

It's not about sex, it's about EVERYTHING, STUPID!


monica.jpg (10680 bytes)babekiss.gif (38323 bytes)clintons.gif (12085 bytes)

"All right All right already.   So I was getting blown by an intern.  You act as if this is something new."  Bill to Hillary

This is a tribute to the most ethical administration in the history of the White House. And the article has nothing to do with sex.

King Bill

So, the will of the people has been heard. Bill Clinton does not have to obey the same laws as we mortals. And where will it end? Lying under oath to a grand jury is OK. How about robbing a liquor store? We haven't seen the end yet. Just wait.

Entrapping the President.

So, you thought that the Republicans were just a bunch of inept bumbling boobies, eh? Just watch what these wascally weprobates have planned for the impeachment proceedings.

Clinton, A Boil on the Forehead of the Nation.

This is what the President of the United States has evolved into, the boil on the forehead of our nation. It is high time to lance this puss infested fraud. Perjury, obstruction of justice, and adultery just don't cut it. What Bill Clinton does in his bedroom is Bill Clinton's business. What he does in the Oval Orifice is our business.

Associating with Clinton could be harmful to your health.

I have always known that a lot of folks associated with Bill and Hillary have wound up dead. Here is a list of folks that were allegedly associated with the Clinton's and have taken the big dirt nap.

The Clinton Legacy.

From the administration that has given us FileGate, BlowjobGate, WhiteWaterGate, MonicaGate, ChinaGate, TravelGate, to name a few, JohneeO has a suggestion for the formation of EmbassyGate.

Technology in Local Government (April 16, 1999) Technology in Local Government (April 16, 1999)

Here is something that I wrote that bashes my local government.   Oh, did I mention, my local government is 100% Republican.  And we can be just as dumb as our fellow Democrats in the White House.

© 2001 john@ominski.com


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