Gore, Clinton, Hsia, and other 
Communist Chinese Traitors

The following was published in the Delaware County Daily Times Editorial Page on March 23, 2000

If one thing can be said for Vice President Al Gore, he certainly has been mentored by one of the best. Under Bill Clinton, Al Gore has mastered the arts of lying, misrepresentation, treason, and sleaze. Birds of a feather, morally reprehensible together.

Some of Al Gore's self acclaimed best personal friends and supporters happen to be Chinese. Cutting right to the chase, Communist Chinese agents and spies. Specifically, Maria Hsia, Chinese spy, "a friend and political supporter" to the Vice Perp-a-Traitor, was recently convicted on five felony counts for breaking U.S. election laws. Ms. Hsia provided Gore with cash raised from foreign nationals at the infamous Buddhist Temple gathering. Of course, when caught with his hand in the Chinese Fortune Cookie jar, Gore denied all improprieties, but now that the truth is irrefutable, he has acknowledged his participation, calling it a "mistake". Anyone with a conscience and an IQ higher than their shoe size would call it criminal, and possibly treasonous.

And what is truly amazing, is that the Clinton–Gore machine and its loyal toadies have been successful at obstructing every effort to investigate the Chinese purchase of our Federal Government. So far, over 100 witnesses have taken the Fifth Amendment or fled the country, with the assistance and support of the Clinton–Gore Administration. Further, White House employees have testified under oath that the White House withheld 100,000 emails from federal investigators that corroborated illegal campaign fund raising.

In other situations, the Clinton–Gore White House has intimidated other witnesses into not cooperating with investigators. If nothing else, the Clinton-Gore White House excels at obstructing justice and bamboozling the American public.

But, just what did the Chinese money buy. Well, for starters, with the full cooperation of the Clinton-Gore Administration and the Janet Reno justice department, how about the entire nuclear arsenal technology of the United States. Thanks to our illustrious leadership, the Chinese now have the same nuclear abilities as that of the United States. Last month, they began strutting their nuclear arsenal, threatening to nuke mainland United States if we were to interfere with their imminent military takeover of Taiwan.

Now Al Gore is assaulting the American people with the ultimate hypocrisy. The man that has violated every campaign finance law, wants to run on the platform of campaign finance reform! Since Al Gore does not have the intestinal fortitude or character to obey the existing laws, he wants to enact new laws targeted at the law abiding Republican National Committee and George W. Bush.

If lying, cheating, and obstructing justice don't put you at an advantage, maybe you should try changing the existing law that your opponent obeys. It won't effect Al Gore. As history has shown, the law and Constitution do not apply when it concerns Bill Clinton and Al Gore.

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