The Festering Boil

The following is something I wrote at the end of September, 1998. On October 5, it was published in the Delaware County Daily Times Op-Ed page

As ClintonGate continues to unravel before us, three facts can not be disputed.

1. Bill Clinton is a liar and adulterer
2. The average American has the intelligence of a kumquat.
3. Kumquats aren’t very smart.

Point number three was a necessary inclusion, since point number two avers that most folks reading this are, for lack of kinder and gentler term, stupid.

Bill Clinton has corrupted the office of the president, his family, his cabinet, his fellow democrats, and his legal counsel by having them perpetuate his lies for over a seven month period. And perpetuation of his morally reprehensible actions would continue today if it weren’t for the DNA proof that he deposited upon the Monica Lewinsky blue dress.

And if that is not enough, we now have to listen to him apologize ad nauseum, and such apologies are not because he is sorry for what he did, but for getting caught. Irrefutable evidence, in most cases will cause most guilty folks to admit their wrongdoing. But, for Bill Clinton, don’t count on it.

Even to this day, he and his Clintonistas have the audacity to claim that he has not committed perjury, when, it has been proven that he lied under oath in grand jury testimony. Going beyond the absurd, the Clintonistas have argued that such words as "is", "sex", and "now" need to be explicitly defined and related to his testimony. Even a kumquat knows the definitions of such simple terms, and it is offensive not only to the kumquat, but the entire citizenry of this nation.

What is even more offensive than his lies and sexual deviancy is his corruption of the Secret Service, which, in itself screams for Attorney General Janet Reno to appoint another Independent Investigator to determine the damage to a once impeccable operation. It has been reported that the Secret Service was allowing access to the White House without properly recording visits. On other occasions, records of visitations were changed or altered. So, now we have the Secret Service actively participating in the destruction and tampering of evidence, which is directly attributable to the orders of the President of the United States.

Thankfully, the White House is not located in Rome, or the Pope and the College of Cardinals would probably have been involved in some sort of violation of ethics and statutory law.

Bill Clinton has become the festering boil on the forehead of our nation. He has trampled upon the Constitution of the United States, and it is the duty of the nation to lance this puss infected fraud, and get back to the business of national affairs.

It is time to forget about bi-partisan politics and fairness. Since Bill Clinton is too cowardly to do the right thing and resign, it is the duty of the Congress to do whatever necessary to remove this sociopath from office. And if that requires attacking, embarrassing, and humiliating this phony, so be it. There should be no apologies for such course of action, but pride and self respect in knowing that the appropriate thing to do is protect the welfare and security of our nation. And that requires that we impeach Bill Clinton now. Get on with it.

© 2001

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