Election 2000 and the Milmont Inn

Published in the Delaware County Daily Times on November 9, 2000.  However, this is what I submitted and is uncensored, not exactly what was in the Times.

First things first.  I have been introduced to the concept of deadlines for submission of my Community Adviser Column.  When, might you ask was the deadline for submitting my first column?  Tuesday.  Election day.  Perfect.

That kills my ability to write something relevant about the election.  It also precludes an opinion on the winner, as the results were not determined prior to deadline.  Let's just say that if Dave Barry is not our president as you read this, I am not a happy camper.

Following are some of the comments that are printable that I hear on a regular basis from the Dog Pound and the Library Club that frequent the Milmont Inn regarding some of my letters to the Times, and most recently, my appointment as a Community Adviser to the Times.

"I hope you have eyes in the back of your head."  "I'm gonna punch your lights out."  "I'm canceling my subscription to the Daily Times."  "I always thought you were nuts, now I know."  "Could you please move out of Milmont Park?"  "You're dumb enough to be a politician."  "Why don't you lighten up?"

Granted, the Milmont Inn isn't a hangout for Mensa members, however, I feel it my duty to inform and educate the ignorant masses.  Although a noble cause, sometimes I feel it would be easier to count the grains of sand on Wildwood's beach.  No need to shoot the messenger, though, and I enjoy the opportunity to interact with the regulars over a couple of beers.  The Milmont Inn is like the Internet.  Go there, and you will get all the answers.  And then some.  Ask for Ted or Charlie.

For the last three years, I have applied to the Times to be a Community Adviser, all with the same results - rejection.  So, this year, following Al Gore's lead, I embellished my credentials.  So, I feel that I need to apologize and come clean.  I really didn't win the Pulitzer and Nobel Peace prizes.  I didn't invent Hyper Text Markup Language.  And I am not a member of Mensa. On a more positive note, I offered to buy alcoholic beverages for everyone at the Times if I was selected as a Community Adviser.

So, there is some history on how I was selected as a Community Advisor.  I don't recommend high school seniors follow my example in applying for college or a job.  Now it is time to take my responsibilities seriously.

First, I like the Times.  However, as with anything, I see ways to improve. In one area I have seen significant improvement at the Times is with technology.  The Times now has a web site, and the editor, Phil Heron has an Email address.  This makes communication with the Times easy, and I would like to see Email addresses for all of the Times' writers and correspondents, especially Gil Spencer.  Also, I would like to see some of the Letters to the Editor include Email addresses.

In that regard, I believe I am the first Community Adviser or regular
contributor to the Times that provides an email address.  In so doing, I encourage any input, ideas, or criticisms regarding anything relevant to the Times or me personally.  As a Community Adviser, I will have the opportunity to meet regularly with the Times management, and I would be happy to pass on any such communication that is directed to me.  I promise that I will not be

In other areas that I could see improvement could be the addition of a weekly technology column and the creation of an on-line message board on the Internet that all of the Times' readers could participate.  Taking it a step further, the Times might want to consider adding an Email page, similar to Sound Off and Letters to the Editor.

Some folks communicate best over a couple of beers.  Others might be more comfortable with ink on paper.  Others prefer the phone, my least favorite. Some might like the Internet, World Wide Web message boards, or Email.  We are truly living in the Information Age, and the Times should offer every opportunity to its readership for participation.

I encourage feedback, and welcome comments, criticisms, and ideas.  Please feel free to email me at johneeo@rcn.com with your input. I could always use some ideas for future columns, as well as discussions at our monthly Advisory meetings.

© 2001 johneeo@rcn.com

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