Election 2004

John Kerry is one phony bastard

As democrats prepare to cast their vote for their candidate for president, it is not a matter of whom they are voting, but what they are voting for.  It comes down to another typical democratic choice.  Are they voting for a pathological liar or an individual that can not differentiate reality from fantasy?

Like democratic politicians before him, John Kerry has told some whoppers.  He remembers seared in his memory being in Cambodia in December of 1968, fighting Richard Nixon’s war, stating “despite President Nixon's assurances that there was no combat action in this neutral territory."

Only two problems with that statement - Kerry was never in Cambodia , and Richard Nixon was not president at the time.  Details, details.

If one were to take Kerry’s recollections of his service in Viet Nam , one would have to conclude his service ranked right up there with that of one of the greatest war heroes of our nation, Sergeant York.  He returned from his service of four months in Viet Nam with three purple hearts and a silver star.  Even more amazing, he received those three purple hearts without incurring one bit of medical attention.

At the democratic national convention, Kerry paraded two enlisted men that claim they were alone in the boat with Kerry at the time he was credited for his first purple heart.  According to Retired Rear Adm. William L. Schachte, this was not possible.  In republican speak, somebody is lying.

According to Rear Admiral Schachte, he "was absolutely in the skimmer" on Dec. 2, 1968 , when Kerry was involved in an incident that led to his first Purple Heart. As told by the retired Rear Admiral, "Kerry nicked himself with a M-79 [grenade launcher] … and fired a hand-held flare”.   He said that after Kerry's M-16 rifle jammed, Kerry picked up the M-79 and, "I heard a thunk. There was no fire from the enemy".  

However, democrats can prove that Kerry was shot at.  It was with a camera, and they have the pictures to prove it.  Also, it is factual that there was enemy fire at the time, somewhere on the continent of Asia .

Let’s take a look at Kerry's military career as posted on johnkerry.com.  Kerry received a “Silver Star with combat V."   The only problem with this is that the Navy has never issued a 'combat V' to anyone for a Silver Star."   And never in history has the Army, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard ever issued a “Silver Star with combat V."  Details, details.

After his service, Kerry returned to our country to protest the war, claiming that our veterans had committed atrocity after atrocity.  In protest he threw his medals over the White House fence.  Well, he threw his ribbons over the fence.  OOOPs, no, it was someone else’s medals.  Or was it ribbons? 

Now let’s look at the facts.  We have 254 Viet Nam Swift Boat Veterans that claim Kerry is a fraud.  We have 14 veterans supporting Kerry, and retired Rear Admiral Schachte has taken two of them to task in their revisions of history.  The Great Right Wing conspiracy strikes again.

And the most disturbing fact of all are the words of John Kerry describing his experiences with American soldiers in Viet Nam – “… they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam …”

Think of how those words served the Viet Cong holding American soldiers as prisoners of war.  Think of those American prisoners being tortured on a regular basis, and having the statements of war hero John Kerry read to them by their captors as justification for their imprisonment, torture, and possible execution. 

Democrats have a rich history of voting for pathological liars.  Now they can proudly add traitor to their list of high political standards.

© 2004

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