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The following was published in January 1999 in the Delaware County Daily Times Op-Ed page:

So, the presidential spinmeisters are all in agreement. It is all about sex.

As usual, they are wrong. No, it is not about sex. It is about EVERYTHING, stupid.

Does anyone remember when the Clintons took over the White House? They were promising to be the most ethical administration in the history of the nation. And just about everything that they have done has been a slap in the face of anyone with an ounce of moral fiber or the ability to differentiate between right and wrong.

Such reprehensible conduct includes Bill Clinton’s sexual escapades going back decades. It includes WhiteWater, the land deal that landed Webster Hubbel, Susan McDougal, James McDougal, and Billy Joe Bob Guy Tucker in jail for their participation. Of course, the Clintons were able to skate.

It includes Hillary Clinton’s dabbling in the stock market, with an investment of $1,000 that turned into $100,000 within a week. Some of the brightest and most experienced Wall Street investment bankers basically agreed that what she did was full of insider trading information and securities law violations.

It includes the travel office. Instead of just firing the office manager Billy Dale, and replacing him with their Hollywood millionaire buddy, Harry Thomason, the Clintons used the FBI to go after him. Remember they charged Dale with numerous felonies, that were so trumped up that the case was immediately thrown out of court. No, they just couldn’t fire the guy, they wanted to throw an innocent man, who had served the White House for over twenty years, in prison.

It includes the illegal acquisition of over 900 FBI files, to be used as ammunition to develop a hit list to be used against what they considered to be their enemies.

And remember Craig Livingstone, the bar room bouncer who was appointed the head of White House security? Remember that this guy had absolutely no credentials, and to this day, absolutely no one knows who hired him. Yeah, that’s believable.

And how about those Rose Law Firm files that Hillary couldn’t find for years, and miraculously turned up on a desk in the White House?

And let’s not forget about how Clinton sold out to China and the Buddhist Monks. Some of the biggest contributors to Clinton were from Chinese Communist nationals, and you can be assured that they were provided with classified information that should have brought charges of treason.

And how about those drug dealers that were invited to the White House to pose for pictures with our illustrious leader? Seems that some of his favorite acquaintances are either in jail, or destined for jail. Hopefully, he will join them soon.

Ah yes, the most ethical administration in the history of the nation. All you need to know in regard to this administration is that the leader is a confirmed liar.

So, no, it is not just about sex. I repeat, it is about EVERYTHING stupid.

Hopefully, justice will be served.

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