Managing Email

I would like to share with you some tips on managing email that saves me a couple of hours a week in time. I hope the info is helpful for you.

I have a web site. That means I receive over 100 unsolicited emails a day. Mortgage companies, porno sites, viagra, etoys, cellular services, golf courses … and the Vice Ministers of Ghana, Nairobi, and Kenya all want transfer me $15 million … you name it, I get it.

The first rule I adhere to is I NEVER send an unsubscribe to an unsolicited email. This tells the spammer someone at your email address reads it, it is a good address, and it then gets traded or sold to other spammers. It is better to just “block” the sender from hitting your inbox; details on how to do this, as well as how to manage your email follow.

I use Outlook (also the same for Outlook Express), and the solution is simple (most email programs have similar functionality). The first thing to do is create folders in Outlook . I have folders for Prospects, Friends and Clients. Every email that is sent to me from a prospect, friend or client is automatically sent into the appropriate folder, and those are the folders that contain my important emails. All emails in those folders are from people I know.

My “regular inbox” then contains emails from unsolicited entities, which I really don’t take much time to check.

To set up folders in Outlook, highlight “Local Folders”. Then click “FILE” from the tool bar, then select “NEW”. Type in the name you wish to call the folder.

The folder is then created. Now, when you receive an email from a “client” that you would like to have sent to that folder, while reading the email, select “CREATE RULE”. Then just follow the instructions to set the rule to meet your needs.

All future emails from that person will now go into your CLIENTS folder. Do the same for your friends and other important categories.

You can also set rules for the offensive and ridiculous emails that you receive regularly and have them automatically deleted as soon as they come into Outlook. To do this, simply click the “BLOCK SENDER”. Any future emails from this email address go directly into the deleted folder. As usual, technology provides the solutions for almost every entity. 

John Ominski
Microsoft Certified Specialist
(267) 303-7505

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